Ever heard of mpox? Wondering why it’s back in the news? Many of us first learned about mpox (formerly called monkeypox) in 2022, when the largest known outbreak spread to […]
Which skin creams are most effective for eczema?
Quelling the discomfort of atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema, can be a daily quest. This inflamed, itchy skin condition can interfere with sleeping, socializing, and many other […]
Want to stop harmful drinking? AA versus SMART Recovery
Ready to address excessive drinking in your life? Many people find peer support helps them take steps toward recovery. Two well-known self-help organizations built around peer support are Alcoholics Anonymous […]
How — and why — to fit more fiber and fermented food into your meals
An F may mean failure in school, but the letter earns high marks in your diet. The two biggest dietary Fs — fiber and fermented foods — are top priorities […]
Respiratory health harms often follow flooding: Taking these steps can help
Heavy rains and sea level rise contribute to major flooding events that are one effect of climate change. Surging water rushing into buildings often causes immediate harms, such as drowning […]
When should your teen or tween start using skin products?
Social media and stores are full of products that promise perfect skin. Increasingly, these products are being marketed not just to adults but to teens and tweens. Many are benign, […]
How well do you score on brain health?
Need another jolt of motivation to shore up a resolution to shed weight, sleep more soundly, boost nutrition or exercise levels, or cut back on alcohol? Then you'll be pleased […]
Gratitude enhances health, brings happiness — and may even lengthen lives
Several evenings a week, as Tyler VanderWeele gathers around the dinner table with his wife and two young kids, the family deliberately pauses during the meal to do something simple […]